February 18, 2005

where WAS salman?

We are blest here to have a gifted interviewer with the knack of getting her guests to choose music to punctuate the interview, then getting them to unwind. I was enthralled by Margaret Throsby's encounter today with Marianne Wiggins, an author whose work was temporarily derailed ten years ago by her proximity to Salman Rushdie - she was married to him at the time. Wiggins suggested in the interview that there is a book in the matter, however when pressed by Throsby as to when, then claimed it was Salman's story after all. I'm going to get hold of her latest novel, Evidence of things unseen ASAP - suffice it to say she engaged me totally.
But then Margaret is very good at letting people do that. ( The audio should be at the link for at least two weeks, so hurry along. You will not be disappointed.)


poet said...

what an excellent blog! is that you genevieve?

genevieve said...

mais oui, merci. I hid away for a while till i was ready to show you, fran - I slid into this by degrees and will only stay in it by the same measure, I think. I have been this close to leaving you the url - sorry you had to discover it toi-meme.

poet said...

find it thanks to barista:) what an excellent networker he is too:)

genevieve said...

mmm I have gone full circle looking for Australian litblogs and came back to him. It's hard to track some of the activity - there is an ArtsBlog.com service which looks interesting ( their blog software looks nice too) and I have looked at the Australian Blogs of the Year at Virtual Meme - will end up putting some of these in a blogroll when I shift to Type Pad ( or ArtsBlog), can't be bothered doing any more links in Blogger by hand. I'm lazy, I want categories - I want everything!! Anyhow have a look at the Gaddis Drinking Club link, I have been reading a book called The Recognitions and got involved in online discussions there. Which has been interesting.

poet said...

i like the sound of the gaddis blog and i too would love to be able to have categories on a blog....
you are doing a great job so far with links, i have the feeling its just going to grow and grow:)

genevieve said...

Thanks! I do have to get the family party sorted and it was silly not to allow anonymous comments till only this week. Have done it now so we'll take it all quietly. There are a couple others in Oz already - it would be good to gather them together in one or more places, get some discussion up about whether the blog's the thing for this country's writers and publishers - or not. It could be the thing for the readers even if they are not interested.

poet said...

how about signing up for an alia home page( you just have to apply: easy) and putting it there( at least the links) as well? the alia pages are indexed by google so if you use some good keywords that will bring more traffic?

Anonymous said...

that's definitely something to consider, thanks. I will be looking at Typepad soon. Have you looked at artsblog.com, that is quite interesting though hardly anyone is using it yet.